October 12, 2022
AMC has hosted alumni events in Canberra, Brisbane and Perth, with Melbourne and Launceston to follow before the end of the year.
The Sydney event will be rescheduled to a later date.
The events have been a great opportunity for alumni to get together, share stories and reminisce over shared experiences at AMC and to learn more about what has been happening at the campus in Launceston.
In Canberra and Brisbane, we had a mix of seafaring and engineering graduates attend, whereas in Perth, we had alumni from all our disciplines, including our first representative from the former National Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability.
Alumni have expressed a keenness to get involved with helping to promote AMC through appearances at career events and school talks.
We sincerely appreciate the offer and urge all alumni that have the time and capacity to get involved and help promote AMC to ensure the next generation of graduates are ready to supply the Australian maritime industry.
To get involved, please contact the Alumni Office. Alumni can update their contact details here (link to https://www.utas.edu.au/community-and-partners/alumni/update-contact-details ).
To ensure you receive our communications, please ensure your spam filter is set to allow emails from alumni.office@utas.edu.au .