Watch Rating Navigation and Engine Room (TAGS program)

Distance Learning

Qualify to perform duties as part of a watch, either navigational or engine room, by undertaking a Training and Guidance Study (TAGS) workbook of the appropriate discipline.

To become qualified to perform duties as part of a watch, either navigational or engine room, seafarers need to undertake a Training and Guidance Study (TAGS) workbook of the appropriate discipline.

A TAGS workbook is completed entirely on the job, and includes a guide for both trainees and trainers.

Navigational Watch Rating and Engine Room Watch Rating are international certificates that enables you to assist in keeping a navigational watch and engine room watch.

To be eligible to apply for this certification, candidates are required to complete a Training and Guidance Study (TAGS) workbook of the appropriate discipline. The TAGS workbook is completed entirely on the job, and includes a guide for both trainees and trainers. There are additional requirements, which are outlined on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority website: Engine Room Watch Rating or Navigational Watch Rating

Obtaining your TAGS book

To obtain a TAGS books, please select Register Now. After submitting the form, payment options will be provided.

Once payment of the fees has been received, the relevant TAGS book will be posted.

To obtain multiple TAGS books, please contact us.


  • Duration: Self-paced
  • Course Options: (GST exempt)
    Navigational Watch Tags Book | $645
    Engine Room Watch TAGS Book | $645

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