A confined space is an enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not intended or designed primarily for human occupancy, and within which there are risks. Identify Confined Space (DEFWHS010) covers the skills required to identify actual or potential confined spaces prior to entering a confined space for work purposes.
The unit includes recognising actual and potential confined spaces in the work environment and understanding the broad limitations they impose on work practices. It also covers identifying potential work health and safety (WHS) concerns and seeking further advice and/or applying appropriate procedures when dealing with WHS issues.
DEFWHS010 is a nationally recognised unit under the Australian Maritime College (RTO ID 60131) and the training outcomes are listed on www.training.gov.au.
The course is applicable to anyone who is required to identify actual or potential confined spaces prior to entering a confined space for work purposes, such as surveyors, maintenance managers, plumbers, designers or electrical contractors.
As of 1 January 2015 students undertaking nationally recognised training are required to have a USI. To apply, please visit the USI website. You will be asked to provide your USI upon enrolment.
The following statement of attainment will be issued by AMC to participants who successfully complete the course:
DEFWHS010 is a nationally recognised unit of competency under the Australian Martime College (RTO ID 60131).
Note: This outcome is only available to Australian residents.
100% attendance, full participation and completion of all practical exercises is required in order to successfully complete the course and qualify for the issue of the course certificate.
This course is available on demand, delivered at various locations. To express interest, please contact us.