Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) Operator's Course


Course also known as: Fast Rescue Craft, FRC

Provides participants with the knowledge and skills to safely operate a Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) and handle a casualty in a FRB. AMSA-approved.

Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) Operator's Course is delivered by classroom theory sessions followed immediately by practical hands-on training sessions.

Course Entry Prerequisite

Please note the following prerequisite is for entry onto the course and evidence must be provided upon enrolment:

  • STCW Certificate of Competency for International Waters (Masters and Deck Officers); or
  • AMSA issued Certificates of Proficiency as Rating; or 
  • STCW Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft


The following certificate will be issued by AMC to participants who successfully complete* the course:

  • Certificate of Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (AMSA approved), meeting the requirements of STCW Reg VI/2 and Code Section A-VI/2, Table A-VI/2-2

*100% attendance, full participation and completion of all practical exercises is required.

Approved By

Australian Maritime Safety Authority 

Accepted By 

Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping  |  Bahamas Maritime Authority  |  Bermuda Shipping and Maritime Authority  |  Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands  |  Marine Department of Hong Kong  |  Liberian Registry  |  Republic of Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator  |  Panama Maritime Authority.

A very well structured and presented course. I’ll definitely be using AMC Search for future short course needs as well as recommending them to colleagues within the Australian shipping industry.

Richard Hall, Teekay


  • Duration: 3 days
  • AMSA Approved Course
  • Course Options: (GST exempt)
    30 September - 02 October 2024 | Beauty Point, TAS | $2,875 Join Waitlist
    09-11 December 2024 | Beauty Point, TAS | $2,875 Join Waitlist
  • Course available on demand

    This course is available on demand, delivered at various locations. To express interest, please contact us.

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